Friday, December 7, 2007

Oh, and Avenue Q was awesome

BTW, I did get to see Avenue Q. I sent a complaint to the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust. They called me and said they had two tickets, reasonable seats, for the matinée. So I bought them. They were very nice and apologetic. He explained that the state has recently removed the cap on scalped tickets, and they're still trying to figure out how to handle the problem.

Lesson learned: Complain loud enough, and eventually you get what you want. :)

The show was very good. Some of the audience didn't appreciate it though. Read the review folks. The MUPPETS have LOUD SEX on stage. The show clearly states this, along with the fact that it is "adult" and "not for children". Why were you surprised? Did you think this was a Republican convention?

Also, Sweeny Todd is coming to town! Tickets go on sale on Monday!

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