Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The new freeway entrance in Oakland

There's a new ramp for getting into 376 from Fifth avenue. This is a good idea since that entrance is frequently blocked up.

Unfortunately, it was designed by Pittsburgh engineers. Saul and I got lost the first time we tried to use it and ended up somewhere in Uptown rather than on 376.

Luckily, they have created a video to show us how to use the new entrance! Isn't that helpful?! Yeaaay!


My favorite part is they are calling this a "slip ramp". Makes it sound super easy to use. You just slip right on the freeway! Watch how many wrong turns you can make in the video. There's four; see if you can find them all. For reference, at the end of the video, you are not yet on the freeway. There's still one more ramp.

Note to future civil engineers: if your citizens must make a video to show how to get on the freeway, you should have been fired.

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