Sunday, April 8, 2007

Easter and Snowing

It's early April, and today is Easter. Two weeks ago, there were white and purple crocuses blooming in my yard. I had herb seedlings ready to plant this weekend. We should have had a beautiful Easter weekend, and I should be out in my garden.

But Mother Nature had other plans. "Time to shit on all of you Pittsburghers and remind you where you live" she says. It's snowing. It's been snowing for four days. This is ridiculous. This is pretty much the only really nice time of year here, and this year we get snow.

When I was a kid, Easter was the inaugural jump in the swimming pool. My brother usually performed the ritual by racing through the length of the house and then cannon-bombing into the pool. Extra points for getting the grandmas wet. It was usually just a tad chilly to be swimming, like 78 degrees.

Not so much with the swimming here. It's 30 degrees, "feels like 19" according to

Oh well. At least it's not sticking to the ground.


Nels said...

Welcome to the web2.0.

Chris said...

What....? No pics...? And I'm still not sure why you are complaining, you don't have a pool at your new house, do you?

Sunny and 60 in Seattle ;)

Rob said...

It is now sticking to the ground.

Ciera Jaspan said...

It is now sticking to the ground.
Indeed. I was about to amend this.

Keian said...

Yah, well, SLO is even worse right now...haven't seen the sun in 6 hours...get me out of this place!

Unknown said...

Young people today are a bunch of soft, spoiled, sissified little whimps. Back when I was a young wipper-snapper, it used to snow all day every day of the year as we clawed our way to school and back uphill both ways. And we liked it like that. Society of Grumpy Old Men